Tasting wine – with all senses
Each wine tastes differently. A harmonious interplay of the flavours and a certain amount of complexity are what really make for a true premium wine. There are two ways of dealing with wine: either you drink and enjoy, or you taste and analyse. Both ways have their advantages and are vital for a deep understanding, but you should consciously choose one kind when treating yourself to a wine. Depending on the mood or occasion you should decide for yourself how you approach this delicacy. At home, in front of the fireplace, maybe with a good book, you are inclined to properly taste it to sense its whole spectrum. During a big festivity this would be inappropriate as here, it is most suitable to just enjoy. Generally, the procedure is the same when indulging in a wine; the intensity with which it is done is the crucial point.
A Wine’s Colour
When it comes to a wine’s colour, unfortunately matters are not as easy as they used to be. Through chemical tricks, it can be influenced easily without improving the actual quality. This is why it is always difficult to make a certain statement about whether it is a true high quality wine and at which stage it is just based on the colour of the wine. Some wine critics have started rating the colour last. But as it is still the first what one notices with a wine, there are some general rules mentioned here.
Red Wine Shimmers when Young and is Matt when Mature
With red wines, it is the case that the younger the wine, the more shimmery it should be. Gloss and reflexions should define it, maybe even a slight purple tint especially at the rims. With increasing age, the colour becomes matter yet the wine’s quality is still the same; with some red wine, it has just now reached its peak. As soon as a brown shade becomes apparent, the connoisseur knows that it is about time to open the rest of the bottles in the wine cellar. The red wine can still be of a very high quality yet it is certain that it has reached its best taste and one will not be able to store it for much longer.
Whether and how dark a red wine should be is mainly a question of the used grape variety and style. A tannin dominated and spicy red wine will always have a dark, almost black colour. With the style ‘light and fruity’, a lighter colour is absolutely welcome. This is no loss in quality but rather shows that the winemakers wanted to achieve a certain taste.