Online Wine Tastings
Turn your living room into a Tasting Room: With our online wine tastings we bring great premium wines and the best winemakers from the Cape directly to your home! Join us on a virtual journey to the Cape Winelands and enjoy very unique wines in a relaxed atmosphere. Our winemakers will give you exciting insights behind the scenes and are ready to answer your questions. Have a relaxing wine evening at home with our Live Online Wine Tastings or our Tasting on Demand wine packages.
Choose a Live Online Wine Tasting
Choose your favourite Online Wine Tasting package and order the wines together with tasting notes conveniently at your home.
Receive the wines and Zoom-link
Invite your friends to the wine tasting and chill the wines. You will receive the (Zoom) link to our tasting by e-mail shortly before.
Enjoy the Wine Tasting
Taste great wines together with the winemaker and take a look behind the scenes of our partner wineries.
Calendar for our Live Online Wine Tastings
Here you can find an overwiev of all upcoming Online Wine Tastings. The Live Online Wine Tastings take place together with our partner wineries from South Africa and are therefore mainly held in English - usually we taste 6 premium wines per wine tasting.Datum | Verkostung |
Contact us using our contact form or give us a call: +49 (0) 2855 9700 500. Are you planning a company event or are you interested in booking a virtual wine tasting as a group (at least ten people)? We will give you an individual offer - Just send us an non-binding inquiry.